Town of West Springfield

Town of West Springfield

Total Street lights: 2240 Cobrahead Fixtures: 2170 Decorative Fixtures: 70 Services Provides: Turnkey LED Upgrade, Verizon Smart Controls
Village of Nyack

Village of Nyack

LED Streetlight Conversion Project In partnership with the Village of Nyack, RealTerm Energy provided a smarter, more environmentally-friendly street lighting system resulting in significant reductions in energy and maintenance costs. The new LED fixtures reduce the...
Village of Great Neck

Village of Great Neck

Total Street lights: 832 Cobrahead Fixtures: 619 Decorative Fixtures: 213 Services Provides: Turnkey LED Upgrade, Smart Controls Pilot
Village of Newark

Village of Newark

Total Street lights: 1,382 Cobrahead Fixtures: 1,231 Decorative Fixtures: 151 Services Provides: Turnkey LED Upgrade
Town of Mars Hill

Town of Mars Hill

Total Street lights: 116 Cobrahead Fixtures: 114 Decorative Fixtures: 2 Services Provides: Turnkey LED Upgrade, Smart Controls, Maintenance Services